Friday, December 17, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Farmer's Market by Chance
Farmers grow crops and corn. Every Saturday morning they go to sell some of the food for the community. They sell it outdoors and the food is fresh.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Entomology by Isaac
Entomology is the study of bugs.
Parts of this job is to count different kinds of bugs.
There are over 1.3 million speices of bugs.
"We hope that when bugs take when bugs take over the world they will remember with gratitude how we took along on our picnics."
Water Resource Specialist Careers by August

responsible for the development of programs to protect water resources and the public's health. They are employed primarily at the county level in health and other county departments. They conduct public water supply inspections to determine compliance with the Public Health Law and the State Sanitary Codes. Water is being depleted many, many times faster than nature can replenish it.
Earth Day By Isabel
Earth Day is on April 22, 2010.This year is 40th anniversary of Earth Day. Earth Day Is a special day set aside for the Earth. There are many ways to help
the Earth such as turning off the lights when you leave a room, plant more trees, recyle, among other things.
Earth Day is very important to the Earth.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Sunflower Farmers by Joe M.
What is a sunflower farmer?
I plant my sunflowers in the early spring when the fields are well prepared. I harvest them in the fall when the black part on their heads turns brown.
Sunflowers can be eaten as snacks, made into sunbutter (like peanut butter) or used to make oil for cooking.
“Every friend is to the other a sun and sunflower also. He attracts and follows.”
Jean Paul Richter on “Friends and Friendship.”
Farmer Joe brought us sunflower seeds to sample. He also made a beautiful flower (sunflower vase) with an empty pop bottle and sunflower photos.
I plant my sunflowers in the early spring when the fields are well prepared. I harvest them in the fall when the black part on their heads turns brown.
Sunflowers can be eaten as snacks, made into sunbutter (like peanut butter) or used to make oil for cooking.
“Every friend is to the other a sun and sunflower also. He attracts and follows.”
Jean Paul Richter on “Friends and Friendship.”
Farmer Joe brought us sunflower seeds to sample. He also made a beautiful flower (sunflower vase) with an empty pop bottle and sunflower photos.
Construction Manager by Andrew Naylor
To be a construction manager you need 4 years of experince in construction. A construction manager can also be called a construction project manager. I make sure all the constructions fit in the time of the day.
“The stone that the builder refused, will always be the head cornerstone.” Bob Marley
“The stone that the builder refused, will always be the head cornerstone.” Bob Marley
Friday, April 16, 2010
Food Technician by Isabel
A Food Technician is largely responsible for keeping your food safe. They usually start their job with a bachelor's degree in Ag science. They work on the study of food.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Land Developer by Jacob
To be a land developer requires more than knowledge. It requires courage to take risks and wisdom to know when to start a project and when to wait.There's lots of expense up front. You make your money on the back end of a project.
As our population increases and available land becomes more scarce, land development becomes increasingly challenging. There are more government regulations and impact fees today than ever before, plus a host of local restrictions that make development difficult.Use the resources in this section to explore land development topics like Smart Growth, discover new techniques like ,fpsfs, or just browse related land development materials.
Do you like to learn about land developers?
Forest Rangers by Brayden
“Through their music, the Blues Rangers provide insight into such issues as forest fires, invasive species, off-road vehicle use and loss of green space. They want to promote a message that speaks to the importance of overall forest and human health and the importance of choices made by today's children who hold the future of conservation on public and private lands in their hands. The whole day will be a day of family fun without the cost.” Terry Wildy
A forest ranger is responsible for the care and conservation of designated wild areas. They help keep the animals and plants safe within the habbitat. They also take care of the animals needs. Being a forest ranger can be a very inportant job.
Youth Program Director by Yuki
“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.”
Sofia Loren
A Youth Program Director responsible for the total development of the youth and the world prosperity. Youth Development which is the process through which adolescents acquire the cognitive, social and emotional skills. Teaching these things will help young people with skills required to navigate through life.
Sofia Loren
A Youth Program Director responsible for the total development of the youth and the world prosperity. Youth Development which is the process through which adolescents acquire the cognitive, social and emotional skills. Teaching these things will help young people with skills required to navigate through life.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Farming Careers by Mackenzie

Human Resources Career By Haley
A Human Resource Director is a very imporant job. They plan, direct, and coordinate activities of an organization. They work with employee compensation, recruitment, personnel policies, and regulatory compliance.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Farm Safety by Matthew
Farms can be fun, but they're dangerous too.
Kids who live on farms really need to know what it takes to be safe. They probably help out on the farm and need to know the safety rules that can prevent injuries.According to the National Safety Council, farming is one of America's most hazardous jobs. Kids ages 10 to 14 are at high risk for injury, often because they take on a job or task that they aren't ready to handle. If you are under 9 at a graeter risk of injuries from the tools. If you do work on a farm, listen to your parents . Be careful where you play and don't go out to work on the farm on your own. If you're helping out, don't try to use equipment. You have to be properly trained. If there's a job you really want to do, such as driving a tractor, you'll probably have to wait until you get a little older.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Soils by Natalie and Mackenzie
North Dakota's state soil in William soil. There are Sandy soils in the west of North Dakota. There are more than 2.2 million acres of Wiliams soils in North Dakota. the Williams soil was an official soil in 1900. William soils are on of the most important soils in N.D. Soils are used to grow wheat, barley,oats, flax and sunflowers. North Dakota farmers protect the soils by utilizing it.
Farm Safety by Mattew and Ryan
Farms are fun places. There is all that sunshine, fresh air, and lots of room to run around.But on farms, you'll see they're also places where work gets done. Some of that work involves equipment that can be dangerous if someone doesn't know how to be safe.
Kids who live on farms really need to know what it takes to be safe. They probably help out on the farm and need to know the safety rules that can prevent injuries.According to the National Safety Council, farming is one of America's most hazardous jobs.Kids ages 10 to 14 are at high risk for injury, often because they take on a job or task that they aren't ready to handle.
Be careful where you play and don't go out to work on the farm on your own. If you're helping out, don't try to use equipment or tackle big projects if you haven't been properly trained. If there's a job you really want to do, such as driving a tractor, you'll probably have to wait until you get a little older.
Kids who live on farms really need to know what it takes to be safe. They probably help out on the farm and need to know the safety rules that can prevent injuries.According to the National Safety Council, farming is one of America's most hazardous jobs.Kids ages 10 to 14 are at high risk for injury, often because they take on a job or task that they aren't ready to handle.
Be careful where you play and don't go out to work on the farm on your own. If you're helping out, don't try to use equipment or tackle big projects if you haven't been properly trained. If there's a job you really want to do, such as driving a tractor, you'll probably have to wait until you get a little older.
Popcorn By: Haley, Isabel, and Adam
Over 6,000 years ago, in a bat cave, Indians popped popcorn. Know as Peru, archaeologists, found kernals that were ready to pop. French explorers saw Iroquois people use popcorn in soup.The first commercial pop corn machine was inveted in 1885. Popcorn is world's favorite snack.
Rain Forests By Natalie and Mackenzie
There are many things every day that you see that come from the Rain forest. Tropical Rain forest are full of natural resources. Your eraser is made out of a rubber tree in the rain forest. Spices come for the rain forest. You can also will enjoy these flavors
vanilla, cinnamon, ginger, and cocoa. These flavors come from the rainforest.
There is a tree that makes gum. Many plants in the rain forest cure diseases, they are called medical plants.
Many rainforests are cutting down trees for timber, mining of minerals and coal, road construction, and to make room for cattle. The rain forests are shrinking every day. Rain forests contain more than 1/2 of the animals and species. We are losing 137 animals, plants and insects due to destruction.
The rain forests are over 1 billion acres. more than 20% of the worlds oxygen comes from the Amazon Rain forest. Rainforests get up to nine feet of rain each year.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Chocolate Chip Cookies by August
Sugar is made from sugar beets, and sugar beets come from the ground. Butter is made from cream and salt. Cream is made from a cows milk. Eggs come from chickens. Vanilla extract is made from vanilla beans. Jello pudding is often in cookies. This is mostly sugar from sugar beets. Salt comes from under the ground in rock form. Chocolate chips come from cocoa beans, sugar, and vanilla. Baking soda is artificial. And that's where you really get chocolate chip cookies from.
Chocolate Chip Cookies...More Than You Think by Cassie
A cookie is not just a cookie.
There is brown sugar from sugar beets, white sugar from sugar beets. Shortening which is a solid white fat product made from vegetable oils using the technique know as hydrogenation. The eggs you use come from chickens, and the vanilla comes from a vanilla plant. The flour is from wheat. The baking soda is a chemical salt. The cream of tartar is a natural pure ingredient left behind after grape juice has fermented to wine. The chocolate chips come from cocoa, and the walnuts are from a tree.
There is brown sugar from sugar beets, white sugar from sugar beets. Shortening which is a solid white fat product made from vegetable oils using the technique know as hydrogenation. The eggs you use come from chickens, and the vanilla comes from a vanilla plant. The flour is from wheat. The baking soda is a chemical salt. The cream of tartar is a natural pure ingredient left behind after grape juice has fermented to wine. The chocolate chips come from cocoa, and the walnuts are from a tree.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
What's In A Chocolate Chip Cookie by Isabel and Isaac
Flour comes from wheat for cookie dough.
Sugar comes from a sugar beet, also in the dough.
Vanilla comes from a vanilla bean, for flavoring in your cookie.
The chocolate chips come from a cocoa bean from a tree
called a cacao tree.
Butter is made from the milk of a cow,
and the baking soda is made artificially.
Crops by Joe M. and Isaac
North Dakota has 30,300 family farms and ranches.
The average North Dakota farms is 1,300 acres.
North Dakota is 68,976 square miles in area with an average
of 9.3 people per square.
The average North Dakota farms is 1,300 acres.
North Dakota is 68,976 square miles in area with an average
of 9.3 people per square.
The Water Cycle By: Haley
Water is very important to farmers. It helps crops grow and is there for the farmer's cattle.
Here is how the water cycle works:
Condensation, Evaporation, and Precipitation.
Where does this water come from? The oceans, lakes, and rivers. The tributaries of the rivers will join the stream and then the river can pick up speed. Moving and moving down the steep land, white river rapids are formed. Rivers have a source, this is where the river starts. It carves valleys and canyons apart. Wider and deeper and in the sea it opens it's mouth. The mouth is the end of the river. Through mud and through sand the river goes into the ocean. In the big blue ocean, all the water becomes one. This water, H20, helps our farms grow and grow.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Agriculture by Jack Mehus
Agriculture is very important to our Earth. One kinds of agriculture is:
farming. In farming you grow crops.
farming. In farming you grow crops.
North Dakota farmers produce annually 15.5 billion loaves of bread from wheat, 212 billion crayons from soybeans, 171 million servings of french fries from potatoes, and 8.5 billion servings of spaghetti, 726 bags of sunflower seeds, 103 hamburgers, 421,500 sweaters from wool, 894 glasses of milk, 4.1 milion pork chops, and 27 billion gallons of Kool-Aid, Alfalfa to feed 529,000 cows, corn to produce 770 million gallons of ethanol, and canola to fill the North Dakota State Capitol tower more than 16 times. I hope you liked learning about agriculture.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
Challenges In Agriculture by Daniel
There are many challenges in agriculture. Some of these challenges would include, hail, toronadoes, and animals eating crops.
Hail is rain but due to the temps, it is cold and it begins to become a solid. It starts out as water vapor. Eventually the rain becomes a solid. Hail can do many bad things to many different people.
Some animals can a big problem in agriculture also. Deer eat the plants. Cattle eat and step on the plants. Birds eat the seeds of the plant and this causes less growth of the plant and loss of seeds.
As you can see, there are many things that can damage agriculture. Many things in nature affect farmers' lives.
Despite all of these difficulties, farming is very interesting and rewarding. Farmers grow the crops and livestock that feed the world.
Hail is rain but due to the temps, it is cold and it begins to become a solid. It starts out as water vapor. Eventually the rain becomes a solid. Hail can do many bad things to many different people.
Toronadoes are another aspect that affects farming. Toronadoe's winds can spin up to 300 mi. per hour. Tornadoes are strong winds that spin around in circles and reach up to the sky. Tornadoes are caused when there is a quick change in temperature. tornadoes can pick items off the ground. These storms can be devistating for farmers.

As you can see, there are many things that can damage agriculture. Many things in nature affect farmers' lives.
Despite all of these difficulties, farming is very interesting and rewarding. Farmers grow the crops and livestock that feed the world.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Fruits and Vegetables by Brayden, Isaac, and Jacob
Fruits and vegetables help your body stay strong. There are many fruits and vegetables. You should have 5 servings of these everyday. Eating these foods will keep you healthy. Some grow on trees. Oranges and apples grow on trees. Some grow on the ground. Some are actually the root themselves, like carrots and beets. Fruits and vegetables are a healthy
snack. You should have fruits and vegetables, because they are high in
vitamins and minerals. Some Fruit and vegetables are big and some are small. Apples are one of the most common fruits. They have a lot of fiber in them . So do pears. Oranges are good for you
when you are sick. So is orange juice. These are great foods for a healthy body.
snack. You should have fruits and vegetables, because they are high in
vitamins and minerals. Some Fruit and vegetables are big and some are small. Apples are one of the most common fruits. They have a lot of fiber in them . So do pears. Oranges are good for you
when you are sick. So is orange juice. These are great foods for a healthy body.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Rainforests by Ryan, Matthew, and August
The Rainforest is one of nature's best sights in the world. South America has the largest Rainforest in the world. There are 4 layers of the rainforest they are the: The Forest floor, The Understory, The Canopy, and The Emergent layer.
The Rainforests grow near the equator. 28% of the world's oxygen comes from the Rainforest. In the Amazon Rainforest, there are about 25 to 30 million spices. A wildfire can spread 194,000. Rainforests are very important. We love Rainforests.
The Rainforests grow near the equator. 28% of the world's oxygen comes from the Rainforest. In the Amazon Rainforest, there are about 25 to 30 million spices. A wildfire can spread 194,000. Rainforests are very important. We love Rainforests.
Bugs by Jacob, Isaac, and Andrew N.
Bugs are all over the world. There are over 900,000 known species of insects throughout the world. For every person on earth there are two hundred million insects. One square mile of rural land can hold more insects than there are people on earth.
Each year, insects eat about a third of the world's food crops. An ant can lift 20 times it weight.There are are about a million ants per person.The most dangerous ant in the world is the black bulldog ant. Bugs are very interesting creatures.
Each year, insects eat about a third of the world's food crops. An ant can lift 20 times it weight.There are are about a million ants per person.The most dangerous ant in the world is the black bulldog ant. Bugs are very interesting creatures.
Farms by Andrew C. and Adam
Farms have many things. Like plants,
animals, hay bales, tractors, corn,
and much more. Lots of bees come to
feast on a flower's nectar.

There are many animals on the farm,
like pigs, cows, chicken, and many other animals.
One food that grows on a farm is a pumpkin.
Pumpkins are very useful. did you
know pumpkins are 90% water.
There are many crops that grow
on farms. Tractors combine crops
Don't you think farms are interesting.
animals, hay bales, tractors, corn,
and much more. Lots of bees come to
feast on a flower's nectar.

There are many animals on the farm,
like pigs, cows, chicken, and many other animals.
One food that grows on a farm is a pumpkin.
Pumpkins are very useful. did you
know pumpkins are 90% water.
There are many crops that grow
on farms. Tractors combine crops
Don't you think farms are interesting.
Being Healthy By Haley and Juliet
Being heathly is very important for your body. To stay heathly you need to eat 5 veggies and 4 fruit everyday. The Food Pyramid suggests that you eat a heathly lunch.
Some of the fruit and veggies are: apples, oranges, bannanas, pineapple, grapes, tomatoes, carrots, green beans, and peppers. Fruits and veggies come from many different places and they have many colors too.
You can't eat to much in the fat and oils group because they're bad for you. Nuts, meats, and oils have some fat too. Fruits and veggies are very important for us.
What is your favorite fruit or veggie?
Some of the fruit and veggies are: apples, oranges, bannanas, pineapple, grapes, tomatoes, carrots, green beans, and peppers. Fruits and veggies come from many different places and they have many colors too.
You can't eat to much in the fat and oils group because they're bad for you. Nuts, meats, and oils have some fat too. Fruits and veggies are very important for us.
What is your favorite fruit or veggie?
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